Fire Safety Certification in Cork
Learn about fire safety certificates and how to get buildings certification ?
A Fire Safety Certificate is granted by a building control authority. It certifies that the design of the building or works would be in compliance with the requirements of part B of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations, 1997-2014. This decision is based on the plans, documents and information submitted to the authority with the application. A fire safety certificate may be granted with or without conditions, or it may be refused.
Do I need a fire safety certificate? Am i except!!!
The exception is a houses and certain agricultural buildings. A fire safety certificate is generally required for all new buildings, including apartments and flats. A certificate is also required for material, changes of use and certain alterations and extensions to buildings. A fire safety certificate must be obtained before work starts. Give us a call or see
Where do I get a fire safety certificate?
Before you begin any work or make a material change of use, you should apply to the local building control authority for a fire safety certificate. Application forms are available from the authority, and should be submitted with the following:
- plans, calculations and specifications for works or building
- details of the nature and extent of the proposed use and, where appropriate of the existing use of the building
- the appropriate fee, based on floor area (details available from your local authority)
- a technical report demonstrating that the design would comply with Part B of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations.
Any application not including the above can be rejected by the authority as invalid.
How long should it take to get a fire safety certificate?
The statutory period allowed to a building control authority to process a fire safety certificate application is two months. However , all the information must be made available to the authority, so that they have sufficient information to make a decision, before this statutory period starts. If the application documentation is incomplete, this will delay the decision on the application.
Can I appeal if I am refused a fire safety certificate?
You can appeal a decision of the building control authority to An Bórd Pleanála within one month of the decision. Details of the appeal process and fee are sent out with each decision of the authority.
What are the new types of fire safety certification introduced under SI 351, Building Control Amendment Regs, 2009?
- Revised Fire Safety Certificate
- Regular Certificate
For more information on Regularisation Certificate Applications and for access to forms click on the following Link
Building Control Amendment Regulations 2009 SI 351pdf
Note the requirement for a Seven Day Notice Statutory Declaration which has to be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths.
For More information on forms and charges please see Building Control Cork
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